Tuesday 18 December 2012

Microsoft Excel

 Week 07 
In week 07 I learned about Microsoft Excel. There were two main topic of this week. They are Microsoft Excel Basic and Microsoft Excel Advance. I would like to describe one by one.

Microsoft Excel Basic:

   In the beginning of this week we were taught the basic of Microsoft Excel like Modyfying cells, culumns, Rows and Text,Creating folmulas with self reflection forming.

Microsoft Excel Advance:

Advance Microsoft Excel communication strategies with databases using Microsoft Query. Worksheet techniques for constructing business forms using Active X controls. Advance Microsoft skill for linking separate workbooks as worksheet.

 In the end of week 07 I learned several important things. I learned

  • Saving and Printing a worksheet.
  • Creating simple and complex formulas
  • Working with basic function
  • Formatting tables
  • Spak lines

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