Tuesday 18 December 2012

It' about Software....

Week 03

Software and it's operating system 
   Hi, Welcome once more, Now I would like to share what I learned in 3rd week in my ICT class. It was about Software. I have learnt about software layers, operating system, system software, application software. 

  It is the intangible part of a computer. It tells instruction what a computer supported to carry out and how to do it. Hardware is driven by Software. It is a collection of computer programs.

Categories of Software  
  1. System  Software 
   2.   Application Software
   3.   Programming Language


Software Layers
  A Layer is a group of classes that have the same set of link-time module dependencies to other modules. In other words, a layer is a group of reusable components that are reusable in similar circumstances. In programming Language the layer distinction is often expressed as "impact" dependencies between software modules. Layers are often arranged in a tree-form hierarchy, with dependency relations as links between the layer.

 Programming Language

 A Programming Language is a computer language that programmers use to develop application, scripts, or other instructions for a computer to execute
     -It's a tool to write or create programs
     -A language for a programmer to communicate with a computer.

Group of PL
 Low Level Language:

- A machine dependent language
- Tedious and Time consuming 
- Each instruction represents a single machine instruction

High Level Language:

-Machine independent language
-More user friendly
-Each instruction represent several machine instruction

The Evolution of Language: 

-Third generation language...(pascal, java, c++)
-Fourth generation language...(visual basic, visual age)
-Fifth generation language.....(prolog) 


 I passed one more week in my ICT class. It was totally about software. From this week I got a lot of information regarding software.

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