Wednesday 19 December 2012

On the way of Internet

Week 09

The History Of Internet:

  The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. This interconnected computer works by transmitting data though a special types of packet. In 1982 internet protocol was standardized and the concept of a world wide network of full interconnected TCP/IP networks called the internet was introduced. Today the network serves as a global data communication system which links millions of private, public, academic, and business as well.

Time line of the internet:

The uses of Internet:

  •    Send e-mail message
  •     Send(upload) or receive (download) files between computers
  •     Participate in discussion 
  •     Surfing the Web 

Illustration of the Internet Network:

Internet Growth Trend:
-1977:111 hosts on Internet
-1981:213 hosts
-1983:562 hosts
-1984:1000 hosts
-1986:5000 hosts
-2001:150-175 millions hosts
-2002:Over 200 millions hosts

World Wide Web:

  The Web ( World Wide Web) consists of information organised into Web pages containing text and graphic images. It created by Tim Berners Lee, a reseacher for CERN in 1989. It contains a collection of hypertext links. So, A collection of linked Web pages that has a common theme or fucas is called a Web site.

   I passed one more week in my ICT class. This week was about Internet. I learned a lot about Internet. It was also a busy and important week for me.....

Now, Microsoft PowerPoint

Week 08

Microsoft PowerPoint Basic:

Microsoft Office Power Point is very interactive and versatile program to produce effective presentation on personal or business purpose. It is included with slide show, audio and simple information. The current version of Microsoft Power Point is from 2010.

Microsoft Power Point Advance:

  • Smart Art Illustration
  • Rehearse and Record Slide Shows
  • Broadcasting Slide Show to Remote
  • Hyperlink and Action Button


 I finished my week eight class in ICT. I would like to say that I learned many important and new( for me) thing in this week. It was about Microsoft Power Point. In this week i did some assignment as well.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Microsoft Excel

 Week 07 
In week 07 I learned about Microsoft Excel. There were two main topic of this week. They are Microsoft Excel Basic and Microsoft Excel Advance. I would like to describe one by one.

Microsoft Excel Basic:

   In the beginning of this week we were taught the basic of Microsoft Excel like Modyfying cells, culumns, Rows and Text,Creating folmulas with self reflection forming.

Microsoft Excel Advance:

Advance Microsoft Excel communication strategies with databases using Microsoft Query. Worksheet techniques for constructing business forms using Active X controls. Advance Microsoft skill for linking separate workbooks as worksheet.

 In the end of week 07 I learned several important things. I learned

  • Saving and Printing a worksheet.
  • Creating simple and complex formulas
  • Working with basic function
  • Formatting tables
  • Spak lines

Microsoft Office

Week 06

World Processing Skills: MS World Basic
   In this week I learned about Microsoft Office. It is included with a wide variety of programs such as 

  •  Microsoft World
  •  Microsoft Excel
  •  Microsoft Access
  •  Microsoft Outlook
  •  Microsoft Publisher
  •  Microsoft One Note 
  •  Microsoft Info Path
  •  Microsoft Share Point
  •  Microsoft Communicator
  •  Microsoft Web Apps
  •  Microsoft Power Point

MS World Windows
   World Windows Consists of variety of Components. This included the document window, Ribbon, Mini toolbar, Shortcut Menus and Quick Access Toolbar.

Basic Text Operation:
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Select
  • Copy, Cut and Past
  • Drag and Drop Text
  • Save
  • Printing

 This week was quite short but I learned some important thing in this week. I learned about the basic of Microsoft Office. 

MS Windows Operating System

Week 05
Anatomy of MS Windows OS

In week five I learned about MS Windows OS. Our lecture taught us about MS Windows 7. Then he explained us about Windows Operating System. Microsoft released a number of windows operating system ranging from windows XX,NT server from 1985 till now. The latest version is windows 7, released in 2009.

Microsoft Windows:

-Microsoft created the operating system 
-They have a professional version that is designed for home user and intended       for businesses.
-The version differ in the depth in the networking, security. 
-Windows is proprietary software 
-People can use or copy the software.

Anatomy of Windows 7

-Aero view

Areo View

 Areo is an interface that makes visual interactions with the desktop fun. They are :-
        Aero peek
        Areo snap
        Areo flip 
        Areo shake

 MS Windows OS Fie Management

1. Windows 7 File Management
2. Managing Files and Folders
3. Efficient Files Management
4. Types of Libraries

Document, Picture, Music and Videos are included in Libraries.

   From this I learned a lot about MS Windows OS. The major topic was Windows 7. Our lecturer described all the important element about windows 7. Finally I want to say that it was a busy week for me.

Networking Concepts of Computer

Week 04
Computer Network 
 It is a simply group of interconnected computers. Two or more computers are connected via hardware or software in this system and able to communicate with each other. Example: the internet, ATM, e-banking.

Network Components
 Major components of a computer network are :
-Communication Media
-Interconnecting Devices 
-Networking Software

Networking Concepts: Basic 

Every computer network functions when having these concepts:

Networking Communication Medium 

Some types of link through which the data can be transmitted or transferred from one computer to another.
-Medium may be physical cable, such as twisted air, coaxial.
-Medium may also be wireless
-Physical interface to medium is usually network interface card.

 Types of Network

The basic purpose of network is to enable effective communication,share resources and facilities centralized management of data. Different network serves different purpose for users. There are three types of network:- 
        1. LAN ( local area network)
        2. MAN (metropolitan area network)
        3. WAN (wide area network)
Beside these there are several types of network and they are
         - peer-to-peer network
         - server based network
         - SAN (storage area network) 
         - hybrid network


I finished my fourth week in my ICT class. By this week I learned about computer network. I also learned how network is working,its components,its types and its communication channel. This week was important for me.

It' about Software....

Week 03

Software and it's operating system 
   Hi, Welcome once more, Now I would like to share what I learned in 3rd week in my ICT class. It was about Software. I have learnt about software layers, operating system, system software, application software. 

  It is the intangible part of a computer. It tells instruction what a computer supported to carry out and how to do it. Hardware is driven by Software. It is a collection of computer programs.

Categories of Software  
  1. System  Software 
   2.   Application Software
   3.   Programming Language


Software Layers
  A Layer is a group of classes that have the same set of link-time module dependencies to other modules. In other words, a layer is a group of reusable components that are reusable in similar circumstances. In programming Language the layer distinction is often expressed as "impact" dependencies between software modules. Layers are often arranged in a tree-form hierarchy, with dependency relations as links between the layer.

 Programming Language

 A Programming Language is a computer language that programmers use to develop application, scripts, or other instructions for a computer to execute
     -It's a tool to write or create programs
     -A language for a programmer to communicate with a computer.

Group of PL
 Low Level Language:

- A machine dependent language
- Tedious and Time consuming 
- Each instruction represents a single machine instruction

High Level Language:

-Machine independent language
-More user friendly
-Each instruction represent several machine instruction

The Evolution of Language: 

-Third generation language...(pascal, java, c++)
-Fourth generation language...(visual basic, visual age)
-Fifth generation language.....(prolog) 


 I passed one more week in my ICT class. It was totally about software. From this week I got a lot of information regarding software.

Monday 17 December 2012

Advance knowledge of Computer

Week 02

Hi, I passed my second week in ICT class. This week was also busy for me. I learned a lot of important thing in this week. This week was about 

  • History of Computer
  • Computer Architecture
  • Processing
  • Power & types of Computers 
Computer History

Invention of computer is a long story. There are fives generations of computer. Before 1940, Abacus was the earliest recorded calculating device. Lets move on computer history by generation.

First Generation of Computer (1940-1950)  Vacuum tube

ENIAC designed by Mouchly and Echert, built by US army to calculate trajectories wall. ENIAC was built by around 1800 vacuum and 1500 reals & it was programmed by manually setting switches. 

UNIVAC is the first commercial computer and it was featured by Electronic emitting devices Data and Programs were stored in a single read-write memory and memory contents are addressable by location,regardless of the content itself. Assemble Language was used in UNIVAC.    

 Second Generation of Computer(1950-1964)                  Transistors
William Shockley, Jhon Bardeen and Water Brattain invented the transistor that reduce size of computers and improved reliability. Vacuum tubes have been replaced by transistors. There was a great changes in few instruments. Such as Operating Systems, On-Off switches, High level languages, Floating point etc were included with it.

Third Generation(1964-1974) Integrated

Computer was mostly developed in this period and came into a new era. Microprocessor chips combines thousand of transistors, entire circuit on a computer chip. Semiconductor memory was included and they came up with multiple computer models with different performance characteristics. The size of computer had been reduced drastically in 3rd Generation of Computer.

Fourth Generation(1974-Present) VLSI/USLI
It was combined with millions of transistor. The single-chip processor and the single-board computer emerged in this generation. This generation had brought some changes. The Personal Computer(PC) was created in this generation. It had brought data communication also. 

Fifth Generation Computer( Now & Future)

Fifth generation computer is based on artificial intelligence like computer can think and reason of learn. Voice and touch are inputted in fifth generation computer. Fifth generation computer is robotic computer and we are in this blessing.

Computer Architecture  

It concerns with internal hardware and software that determines the performance as well as the capability of a computer. We learned that computer architecture includes processor, memory, I/O system and data path. We also learned about processing Power. 


  • Processor- Center for manipulation and control
  • Memory- Storage for instruction and data for currently executing programs.
  • I/O system- Communicate with external device.
  • Data-path & Control- Collection of parallel wires. 
Power & Types of Computer 

Power is the most important for computer. It is determined by speed and capacity of each part of the computer. Speed is measured by hertz(Hz) per second.
Capacity is measured in bytes where 1 byte= 8 bits.

Based on size and capacity, categorized of computer

Embedded Computer

A miniature of Computer embedded into a specific product for a specific function.

Mobile Computer

Fits on our hands,contain built-in computing or internet capability.
Personal Computer

Fully functioning portable or desktop computer, designed for a single user at a time.

    Mid-range Services
Physically likes small cabinet, hosting data and programs available to a small group of users.


Consume large space and powerful computers used for hosting a large amount of data and programs. 

Super Computer

Extremely powerful computers used for complex computation and processing.  

After completing my second week in my ICT class I learned about the history of computer as well as different types of computer. It will be helpful for me in my future life.


Thursday 13 December 2012

First Post ,10.10.12

                         Hi, I'm Rabbi, It's my pleasure to be able to create my blog and now i am going to share myself with all. My computer and Internet course is under one of my favorite and respected lecturer Mr. Azamuddin AB Rahman.
                 week 01 

First day of our class was so excited and important for us. Mr. Azamuddin gave a short but valuable speech regarding our course. Then he explained to us the overview of our course outline as well as assignment. Then he started to describe what is computer and its components. 

      Computer and it's main components 

Computer is a programmable device that can perform mathematical operations and process information. After that we learned about its operation which includes 1. input
            2. output
            3. processing 
            4. storage 
We also learned about the difference between data and information. Then lecturer described hardware, software and its classification.     

                      Computer's Hardware

Hardware is the electrical, electronic and mechanical parts of a computer. It includes 
            1. Input device
         2. Output device
         3. System unit 
            4. storage device
            5. Communication device


                                  Computer Software 
Computer Software is known as a program series of related instruction organised for a common purpose.
                     Types of Software

                 1. System Software
                 2. Application Software

                 Number system of Computer

At the end of the first week we leaned about the Number System of Computer.   It has four types of Number System. They are Binary, Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal.

                    Binary             : It is two base number system. It has only two numerals and they are 0 and 1.

                   Decimal              : It is ten base number system. It has ten numerals and they are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9.

                    Octal               : It has eight numerals and they are o,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7. It is eight base number system.

                 Hexadecimal  : This number system uses 16 symbols including numerals and letters. They are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E and F. It is a sixteen base number system.


Finally after passing first week I learned Computer is a programmable machine. It has two types of components : Hardware and Software. I also learned about different parts of hardware and classification of software. After that I learned about the number system of computer and how it helps human's  instructions to convert to computer's understandable language.